Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter Two

Diary Entry, Year: 2076, Day 32:

It has been 15 days since the last earthquake. It had destroyed half of the house, ripping out our bathtub and having pipes spew water everywhere. Jasper broke his leg walking over an unsteady board. Poor pup. Only two years old. I don't know how long my family can go on. Steven's family was killed last earthquake, only his sister and him are left. Our neighborhood's been destroyed, all the trees uprooted and cars flipped over. I don't know how long we can go on like this. The Big One will surely have our beloved state of Californa sink.

Taylor shivered and closed the diary, her hand shaking. A dry spot of blood stung on her leg. A door had fallen on her when the earthquake hit 15 days ago. Everyone in California is devastated and frightened. More and more people are moving out and Steven's grandparents had flown him out of the state, all the way to Michigan where Taylor would never see him again. Taylor's parents couldn't afford to move, they would have no place to go.

1 comment:

  1. Short chapter XD
    No offence ;)
    i hav a question.
    where is ur book blog?
    i hav a beautiful realistic picture 4 Chestnut.
    Its scanned in & all but,well, when i looked it wasn't there...D:
    how come?
